Centos Translations - Link to Us

Link to Us

If you would like to link to Centos Translations from your own site, please use the following code:

Option 1 (Image and Text)

<p><b><u><font color="#009933"><img src="picts/logo.jpg" width="190" height="80" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" align="left"></font></u><a href="http://www.centostranslations.com" target="_blank"><font color="#009933"><u>Centos Translations</u></font></a><u><font color="#009933"> (Spanish)</font></u></b><br>
Centos Translations is a one-stop shop for Spanish translation services in a range of sectors including legal, technical, commercial and financial. Our biggest strength is that we specialise in Spanish, so we focus all our efforts and commitment on only one particular language, and by doing this we know we can provide the highest quality</a> at very competitive prices.<p>

The above code will look something like this:

Centos TranslationsCentos Translations (Spanish)
Centos Translations is a one-stop shop for Spanish translation services in a range of sectors including legal, technical, commercial and financial. Our biggest strength is that we specialise in Spanish, so we focus all our efforts and commitment on only one particular language, and by doing this we know we can provide the highest quality at very competitive prices.

Option 2 (Text Only)

<b><a href="http://www.centostranslations.com"><u><font color="#009933">Centos Translations</font></u></a><u><font color="#009933"> (Spanish)</font></u></b><br />
Centos Translations is a one-stop shop for Spanish translation services in a range of sectors including legal, technical, commercial and financial. Our biggest strength is that we specialise in Spanish, so we focus all our efforts and commitment on only one particular language, and by doing this we know we can provide the highest quality</a> at very competitive prices.</p>

The above code will look something like this:

Centos Translations (Spanish)
Centos Translations is a one-stop shop for Spanish translation services in a range of sectors including legal, technical, commercial and financial. Our biggest strength is that we specialise in Spanish, so we focus all our efforts and commitment on only one particular language, and by doing this we know we can provide the highest quality at very competitive prices.

Option 3 (Image Only)

<p><img border="0" src="picts/logo.jpg" width="196" height="90"></p>

The above code will look something like this:

Centos Translations

To download the image above, right click on it and choose Save Picture As.


Looking for a Specialist in Spanish? You have come to right place!

 We are your link to the Spanish marketplace!