Our Approach
Commitment to Quality
Our highly qualified and experienced translators produce top quality
translations every time.
Spanish Specialists
We concentrate on the language we are good at... Spanish!
Home-Based Business
At Centos we all work from home and this has been our way of working
since the very beginning for 4 main reasons:

Our Green Philosophy
Not having to travel to work means lower carbon emissions.
Our Cost Savings Method
Not having fancy and flashy offices means lower costs to you, our customer.
Our Need for Efficiency
Large ad noisy offices are often not appropriate to get work done. By
working from the comfort of our own offices, we are more motivated to work;
hence much more productive.
Our Flexible Working Practice
We do not have fixed working hours - you can reach us at any time of the
day. Deadlines can be critical, especially when you deal internationally with
different time zones.
Find out Why you should use Centos Translations.

Translations you can rely on!